'a Person whom you are related to. Sometimes a role model, Sometimes an ass, sometimes a friend. a Person who you are stuck being related to until the day you die through good or bad'
Older Brother
/Older brəT͟Hər/
a Genetic disorder of having a male older sibling. They have two objectives on life, one to annoy the living piss out of you, and two to protect/ teach you.
Little Brother
/Litel brəT͟Hər/
The annoying little thing that always piss you off, but mums love them. Generally smaller. Quite annoying at times and seems to take great enjoyment in copying your everymove.
Dear little brother
I'll always gonna be that someone who'll makes fun of you
Annoy you
And make your life a living hell
And I'll also be the one
Who'll beat the life of any other living shit
Who tries to make fun of you
You're my bro
And no one makes fun of you
Except me