Saturday, February 23, 2013

Jembatan Cinta, Pulau Tidung

Tara Bridge, Montenegro
Lagi iseng2 liat2 gambar di tumblr, eh nemu gambar jembatan ini. Menurut keterangan di gambar sih, katanya jembatan ini tuh namanya 'Tara Bridge' dan berlokasi di Montenegro.
Tapi sebagai salah satu warga atau mahasiswa pendatang yang tinggal selama beberapa tahun di Jatinangor, gw merasa sangat tidak asing dengan jembatan yang satu ini.....
Yak demi apapun nih jembatan bener2 mirip sama Jembatan Cincin yang ada di Jatinangor

Jembatan Cincin, Jatinangor

Pola hidup mulai engga sehat

Makin kesini, resolusi tahun baru udah mulai engga jalan, terutama dimasalah hidup sehat. 

Padahal waktu rencana awal, mulai februari itu harus mulai rajin dan disiplin hidup sehat, misalnya:

1. Rajin olahraga baik itu jogging ataupun fitness

2. Jaga pola makan sehat

3. Kurang2in begadang

Yah lagi2 yang namanya rencana hanya tinggal rencana, kenyataan yang gw temuin adalah 3 hal itu sempet terjadi waktu awal2 dan berlangsung untuk beberapa hari, waktu awal itu pengaplikasian resolusi itu kira2 berjalan kayak gini: 

1. Tiap hari fitness di pinewood abis maghrib ampe jam 8

2. Mulai ngurangin goreng2an dan makan quaker oats 

3, Tidur paling malem jam 11

Nah awalnya sih berjalan lumayan lancar, tapi semua itu berubah semenjak negara api menyerang setelah gw sempet sakit atau engga enak badan untuk beberapa hari. Rutinitas yang baik itu mulai menghilang dan berubah menjadi rutinitas malas2an seperti biasa

1. Fitness atau jogging berubah menjadi suatu hal yang sangat bikin mager untuk dilakukan

2. Indomie dan berbagai macam makanan2 berminyak lainnya mulai menjadi luar biasa menggoda iman

3. Tidur paling cepet itu jam 12 dan paling lama itu ummmm pagi?

4. Ditambah akhir2 ini jadi bandel suka ngerokok gara2 lagi sering ngerasa uring2an, kebiasaan yang sangat jelek


Busetbuset, jangan ampe deh kalah mental lagi sama yang namanya males2an, inget resolusi, disiplin sama diri sendiri, ayo dooong!!

Ude ngerasain kan efeknya, waktu kemaren jogging keliling unpad bareng anak flag football, baru lari nyampe gedung S2 fikom aja udah berasa kayak abis lari dari kenyataan pengidap asma kronis. Oke engga selebay itu juga.

Udah cukup deh alesan2 mager2an, alesan begituan itu cuma ada di otak lo doang goy! 

Playlist di hape udah dibikin, sepatu dan jaket udah dicuci, badan udah fit lagi, waktu kosong ada lumayan banyak, temen jogging? Engga perlu deh kayaknya, karena jogging sendirian itu rasanya lebih asik karena engga ada yang perlu dikejer atau ditungguin. Engga usah jogging keliling unpad dulu, jogging aja dulu keliling didalem stadion jati kayak kemaren, pelan tapi pasti dulu lah

Bismillah semoga pola hidup sehat ini bisa terlaksana dengan lancar, amin 
SUPPOSEDLY if you’ve seen over 70 films, you have no life. Mark the ones you’ve seen. There are 239 films on this list. Copy this list and paste this on your Tumblr. Then, put x’s next to the films you’ve seen, add them up, change the header adding your number, and click post at the bottom. Have fun.

(x) White Chicks
( ) Neverending Story
(x) Meet the Spartans
( ) Meet the Parents
( ) Meet the Fockers
Total: 16

(x) Scream
(x) Scream 2
(x) Scream 3
(x) Scary Movie
(x) Scary Movie 2
(x) Scary Movie 3
(x) Scary Movie 4 
(x) American Pie
(x) American Pie 2
(x) American Pie Band Camp
Total: 26

(x) Harry Potter 1: The Sorcerer’s Stone
(x) Harry Potter 2: The Secret Chamber
(x) Harry Potter 3: Prisoner of Azkaban
(x) Harry Potter 4: Goblet of Fire
(x) Harry Potter 5: Order of the Phoenix
(x) Harry Potter 6: Half-Blood Prince
(x) Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
(x) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(x) Lord of the Rings: Return Of the King
(x) Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
( ) Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Total: 36

(x) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
( ) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
( ) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
(x) Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull
(x) The Mummy 
(x) The Mummy 2 
(x) The Mummy 3
(x) Journey to the Centre of Earth
(x) City of Ember
(x) Finding Neverland
Total: 44

(x) Pirates of the Caribbean
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World’s End
(x) X-Men
(x) X-2
(x) X-3
(x) Spider-Man
(x) Spider-Man 2
(x) Spider Man 3
( ) King Kong
Total: 53

(x) Hellboy
(x) Star Wars Ep. I The Phantom Menace
(x) Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones
( ) Star Wars Ep. III Revenge of the Sith
( ) Star Wars Ep. IV A New Hope
( ) Star Wars Ep. V The Empire Strikes Back
( ) Star Wars Ep. VI Return of the Jedi
(x) Underdog
( ) A Series Of Unfortunate Events
(x) Batman: The Dark Knight
Total: 58

Action/ Thriller
(x) The Matrix
( ) The Matrix Reloaded
( ) The Matrix Revolution
(x) Terminator
( ) Terminator 2
( ) Terminator 3
(x) Ocean’s Eleven
(x) Ocean’s Twelve
(x) Ocean’s Thirteen
(x) Casino Royale 007
Total: 64

( ) Bourne Identity
( ) Bourne Supremacy
(x) Underworld
( ) Butterfly Effect
(x) Death Note
(x) Death Note 2
( ) Death Note 3: L Change the world
(x) Resident Evil 1
(x) Resident Evil 2
( ) I, Robot
Total: 69

(x) Rush Hour
(x) Rush Hour 2
(x) Rush Hour 3 
( ) Mission Impossible 1
( ) Mission Impossible 2
( ) Mission Impossible 3
(x) I Am Legend 
( ) Predator I
( ) Predator II
( ) Signs
Total: 73

(x) Saw
(x) Saw II
( ) Saw III
( ) Saw IV
( ) Saw V
(x) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
( ) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
(x) The Ring
(x) The Ring 2
Total: 78

(x) Final Destination
(x) Final Destination 2
( ) Final Destination 3
( ) Ghost Ship
( ) From Hell
(x) Child’s Play
(x) Seed of Chucky 
(x) Bride of Chucky
( ) Gothika
(x) Nightmare on Elm Street
Total: 84

(x) The Grudge
(x) The Grudge 2
( ) The Haunted Apartment
( ) Siren
( ) Silent Hill
(x) The Mask 
(x) Son Of The Mask
( ) Alone
( ) Omen
(x) House Of Wax
Total: 89

( ) The Eye
( ) The Eye 2
( ) Shutter
( ) When a Stranger calls
( ) The Fog
( ) The Orphanage
( ) The Skulls
( ) Cruel Intentions
( ) Cruel Intentions 2
( ) House of 1000 Corpses
Total: 89

(x) Lilo & Stitch
(x) Ice Age
( ) Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
(x) Madagascar
(x) Madagascar 2
(x) Kung Fu Panda
( ) Bolt
( ) Wall-E 
(x) Monsters Inc
( ) Shark Tale
Total: 95

(x) Shrek
( ) Shrek 2
(x) Shrek 3 
(x) Finding Nemo
( ) ET
(x) Cars
(x) Ratatouille
(x) Toy Story
(x) Toy Story 2
(x) The Incredibles
Total: 103

( ) Little Miss Sunshine
( ) I Am Sam
(x) The Day After Tomorrow
(x) Coach Carter
( ) The Last Dance
(x) To Kill A Mockingbird
( ) Conrack
( ) Midnight Sun
( ) Little Black Book
( ) Rwanda Genocide 
Total: 106

(x) Ten Things I Hate About You
(x) Titanic
(x) Romeo & Juliet
(x) Frankenstein
( ) A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Total: 110

110 film ._.

Nonton Rectoverso

Jadi ceritanya nonton film berjudul Rectoverso bareng anak2 pubdok. Filmnya lumayan oke kalo ngeliat standar film Indonesia yang sekarang ini, konsep 5 cerita jadi 1 itu kinda good, yah meskipun udah sering liat tipe film gini di film2 Thailand. Gw baru tau kalo film itu juga adaptasi dari salah satu novel Dewi Lestari, novel doi lagi laku keras ya, kemaren perahu kertas dan sekarang Rectoverso ._.

Sebenarnya keseluruhuan filmnya itu engga terlalu wah banget, tapi ada beberapa part yang emang bener2 bisa mainin emosi penonton, terutama di cerita ‘Malaikat juga tahu’ dimana Lukman Sardi bermain menjadi orang autis gitu. Dan gw lumayan terpana karena aktingnya total, doi bisa meranin orang autis dengan sangat oke, dan apalagi di bagian cerita itu ada Prisya Nasution-nya, wuiiiiiih badaaaaai <3 ngefans deh gw, cakep gitu ndroooo

Prisya Nasution <3

Kenapa tadi gw bilang bisa mainin emosi penonton, karena emang dibeberapa bagian cerita (dalam hal ini yang cerita Lukman Sardi tadi), ada adegan yang memang bener2 sedih, ditambah akting yang lumayan real, dan soundtrack yang ngena banget. Buktinya beberapa cewek berhasil dengan sukses meneteskan air mata, rifi yang duduk disebelah gw juga mendadak nangis gitu aja, akhirnya gw rada gelagapan lah kaget doi tiba2 mewek. Sebagai seorang gentleman, udah seharusnya kita ngepuk2 cewek yang lagi mewek

Selain itu di salah satu cerita di film ini yang judulnya ‘Cicak di Dinding’ juga ada salah satu aktris kawakan favorit gw jaman dulu yang posisinya hanya bisa digeser oleh tante Tamara Blesyzenski sebagai hot mom teroke di Indonesia versi kepala gw. Siapakah diaa…*drumroll* yak doi adalah Sophia Latjuba! Yang berkesan di part cerita yang satu ini juga, selain kehadiran tante Sophie adalah soundtracknya, waktu lagi scene yang lumayan intense tiba2 gw baru nyadar kalo lagu yang dinyanyiin sebagai soundtrack saat itu adalah ‘cicakcicak di dinding versi selow’ yang dinyanyiin Dewi Lestari, kontan aja gw langsung ngakak begitu nyadar. 

Dan karena udah nyebutin tentang 2 ceritanya, mendingan gw sekalian nyebutin sedikit gambaran tentang 3 cerita lagi.

Ada cerita yang berjudul ‘Firasat’ yang diperanin oleh Asmirandah. Bagian ini bercerita tentang Asmirandah yang join disuatu klub yang berjudul klub ‘firasat’ dimana anggotanya adalah orang2 yang punya kelebihan khusus dapat melihat suatu ‘firasat’ atau mungkin bahasa ngetrennya six sense atau ramalan lewat mimpi. 

Cerita selanjutnya yaitu ‘Curhat Buat Sahabat’ yang diperanin oleh Acha Septriasa dan Indra Birowo bercerita kurang lebih tentang friendzone mungkin ya. Cerita klasik tentang cewek yang gontaganti nyari pacar dimana doi pengen punya orang yang gaperlu sempurna tapi yang penting care dan beneran sayang sama dia, dan pada akhirnya dia baru sadar kalau orang tersebut selalu dan sudah ada buat dia selama ini, yaitu sahabat cowoknya itu sendiri. Klasik

Cerita terakhir itu berjudul ‘Hanya Isyarat’. Ceritanya tentang 5 orang backpackers, 4 cowok, 1 cewek, yang ketemu didalam suatu forum milis dan kemudian liburan bareng kepantai. Disitu mereka melakukan lomba tentang siapa yang bisa menceritakan kisah paling sedih yang mereka punya. 

Dan jadi, kalau diperingkatin urutan ceritanya dari yang paling oke versi gw, maka: 

1. Malaikat Juga Tahu

2. Cicak di Dinding

3. Curhat Buat Sahabat

4. Firasat

5. Hanya Isyarat

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The person who tries to keep everyone happy often ends up feeling the loneliest
- Note to self 

19 Conversation Techniques

So i've read this psychological things from a tumblr that was owned by some psychological student, and one of the article quite interest me. So this article is talking about some basic technique that we can use in a conversation, formal conversation for more specific. There's about 19 technique that was used here. 
And ohyeah, the credits goes to this person

“So it seems like there are really three different issues going on here, which are…” Summarizing, which is what many people do, is boring and tedious to the other person. Synthesizing shows you are listening but goes further and adds value through big-picture thinking.
Active listening: 
Interjecting “OK, Uh huh, that’s right, I see” to communicate that you are paying attention.
Non-verbal listening: Using your body and eyes to show you are completely focused on the other person. Avoid “tells” like looking at your watch, letting your eyes wander around the room, and so on. 
Repeating the last word spoken. Client: “So as a result, there’s very high attrition.” You: “Attrition.” Client: “Yes, we think it’s well above the industry average. In fact, last year we lost 20% of the sales force.” You: “20%” Client: “Well, some of it was uncontrollable attrition like retirements, but…”
“I know what you mean—two years ago I also missed a major family event due to a deadline at work…” Sharing your own experiences, in a non-condescending manner, can create a more intimate and meaningful dialog. If you are interested in the psychology of this, look up the “Johari Window,” devised by Ingham and Luft . The idea is that mutual disclosure—not one person talking and the other simply listening—leads to empathy and understanding. 
Open-ended questions:
“What would it take to get alignment around this issue?” “What have your past experiences been with outside advisors?” There is some research which indicates that successful sales executives use more open-ended than closed-ended questions in the sales process. 
Provocative questions: 
“Why?” “So what?” “Why are you in this business?” “Why do you think you need outside help?” Last year, I was referred to an expert on newsletter marketing. I called him to explore how I might expand the circulation of Client Loyalty (it’s close to 3000 direct subscribers right now, and most of the articles are reprinted in other newsletters, giving them closer to 15,000 or 20,000 readers each month). His first question was, “So Andrew, why do you want more subscribers? Maybe you should have fewer.” At first I was irritated, but then I realized that I had not completely thought through what my goals for the newsletter were. His provocative question made me think. 
Provocative or “turnaround” answers: 
Client: “So what can you do for us?” You: “I don’t know” Client: “The CEO is challenging our use of consultants” You: “I don’t blame him.” 
Questions about the meaning of words: 
Client: “This is a very dysfunctional organization.” You: “What do you mean by ‘dysfunctional?’” Client: “Basically, we want our relationship managers to up their game and stop playing politics.” You: “What does ‘playing politics’ mean in your organization?” Don’t assume you understand exactly what your client means when he or she uses certain terms! 
Questions about the past: 
“How and when did this start?” 
Questions about the present: 
“What are you doing now to fix this?” 
Questions about the future: 
“If this project succeeds, what would things look like a year from now?” 
Personal questions: 
“What are your own aspirations in the organization?” “Who have your mentors been?” Don’t kid yourself—every client gains some personal value from working with us. 
Questions about feelings: 
“How did you feel about that decision?” Usually, we ask about thoughts—“What do you think?” Asking about feelings can tap into a whole new aspect of the issue. 
Use of humor: 
Appropriate jokes or quips, self-deprecation, “break the ice” humor, and so on.
Not answering: “I don’t know your company well enough to answer that. I can tell you what I’ll be looking for, however”; “I don’t know. Let me get back to you.” Saying “I don’t know” can build, not erode, trust. 
Questions about the question: 
“Let me make sure I understand your question: Are you asking if it’s a good idea or if it’s feasible?” Or, “I’m curious about why you’re asking me that…” (Note: be careful not to overuse this latter technique, which can come across as contrived or evasive if used too often or at the wrong moment). 
Questions about what is missing: 
“Is there anything I haven’t asked about that you think is relevant? 
Letting the client answer provocative questions: 
You don’t always have to have the answer! For example: You’re presenting to a group of client executives. Someone asks the question, “So you’ve demonstrated that our costs are 20% over the benchmark. I just don’t believe that.” You look at the person attentively, let your eyes wander to the other meeting participants, and remain silent for 3-5 seconds. Given the opening (your silence), another executive in the audience may very well jump in: “Oh come on, we’ve known this for years. That’s why our operating margins are so bad.” All of a sudden, your clients are having a healthy debate among themselves, and metaphorically you’re on the same side of the table. This has happened to me many, many times.